Artwork Permission and Ownership

Artwork Format and Specifications

Art comes in all shapes and sizes, but for top-notch stickers, follow these guidelines!

Artwork Mode CMYK 

Use CMYK color mode when designing - RGB may lose colors during printing!

Most filetypes like PNG or JPG rock the RGB color profile. When exporting your masterpiece from your software, opt for PDF, and select a CMYK profile.



Premo Sticker Co does not take ownership or responsibility for artwork sent for production. Any issues related to ownership or production of products are the customer's responsibility.

Artwork Use

Artwork can only be used for contracted products. Completed orders fulfill the contract. Authorization limited to purchased item quantity. Product images may be used in promotions.

Artwork Content

If Premo Sticker Co receives any artwork portraying anything shady, sketchy, or just not cool, Premo Sticker Co has the power to turn down a customer, no questions asked.

Artwork Copyright/Trademarks

Feeling a bit lost? Don't sweat it! We're here to chat about your artwork if you need! Send us your own artwork or art from someone you hired. Own the rights if you sell the stickers. Be warned, we may cancel if you use copyrighted stuff. We're not responsible for legal issues if you get in trouble. Avoid selling knockoffs!

By placing an order with us, you agree to these terms

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Tenga en cuenta que los colores que aparecen en la pantalla pueden no coincidir exactamente con la versión impresa debido a la conversión a CMYK y a las diferencias de iluminación. Hacemos todo lo posible para garantizar la intensidad y precisión del color, pero no ofrecemos servicios de igualación de colores.

Tenga en cuenta que no imprimimos con colores fluorescentes o neón y que la impresión con tinta blanca no está disponible actualmente.